Carrollton is a city in Dallas, Denton, and Collin counties, in the US state of Texas. This city is home to 139,248 people and has a total area of 37.43 sq mi (96.94 km2).
Like most other cities in Texas, Carrollton is one of the best cities to invest in real estate, and it owes this to a lot of factors. The median home cost in the city is $285,800. In the past ten years, Carrollton has experienced a home appreciation rate of 7.2%.
If you want to buy a home in Carrollton and you want to make a good choice, the following are the top 10 neighborhoods you can consider there.
Trinity mills
This suburban neighborhood in Carrollton has a median real estate price of $310,292. This is costlier than almost 90% of Texas neighborhoods.
The average rental price in the neighborhood is about $1,615, which is more than 70% higher than other neighborhoods in the state.
Most of the real estate in this neighborhood was built between 1970 and 1999. Most of the structures in there are medium-sized, with about three to four bedrooms. It also has single-family homes and high-rise apartments. The average real estate cost in Hebron is $274,195.
International Pky / E Hebron Pky )
This beautiful neighborhood has many residential real estates that are owner-occupied. Most of these structures were erected in the 1970s and 90s. However, a number of them were also built between 2000 and now. The average cost of real estate in this neighborhood is $418,148, an excellent price for such a classic neighborhood.
Fm 544 / Plano Pky
Fm 544 has a vacancy rate of 10.7%, which is lower than 40.8% of the neighborhoods in the United States. Therefore, if you invest in estate homes in this neighborhood, they’ll be occupied as quickly as possible. You’ll get real estate in this neighborhood for a median cost of $554,169.
King Arthur Blvd / N Josey Ln
Most of the adults residing in this neighborhood are wealthy and highly educated. It is a better neighborhood for those who cherish the executive lifestyle.
The neighborhood features an average rental price of $1,934.
Old Denton Rd / W Frankford Rd
This is one of the top 10 neighborhoods to invest in real estate in Texas and the United States. It has an average vacancy rate of 0%, better than 100% of the neighborhoods in the US.
Eisenhower St / Pawnee Trl
Eisenhower St is known for its medium and large-sized buildings. It is ranked among the 16th wealthiest neighborhoods in the United States, and the average rental price in the neighborhood is $2,079.
Muscogee Trl / Hopi Dr
There are lots of new homes in Muscogee Trl than you’ll find in 98.5% of the neighborhoods in the United States. It is an ideal neighborhood for college students due to its walkability and low crime rate.
Carmel Dr / Kelly Blvd
Carmel Dr is a diverse neighborhood with 2.5% of its residents having Greek ancestry. Real estate in this neighborhood features a median price of $295,165.
Muscogee Trl / Hopi Dr
53.6% of this neighborhood’s working population are employed in executive and management positions. It is a classic neighborhood with a diverse population. The average real estate price in this neighborhood is $469,275
There you have it, the top 10 neighborhoods to buy a home in carrollton! If you are looking to sell your home in Texas, call us here at United Home Offer or fill out one of our forms at the home page.