If you’re struggling to pay off hefty medical bills, you might be scrambling for ways to earn cash fast. One logical idea would be to sell your house. What you may not know, though, is that selling your home demands an investment out of your own pocket before you’ll get paid the big bucks. And in addition to the cost, it’s a process that typically takes 55-70 days.
If you don’t have the luxury of time or money on hand, don’t worry- there are ways to obtain a fast home offer without shelling out your hard-earned savings. Let’s get into how you can save money and sell your property swiftly so you can finally pay off your bills in full.
1. Pack Early and Efficiently
Sure, your goal is getting a fast home offer, but if you want to hang onto that well-earned payment, you should plan in advance. Between taking time off work and paying professionals, moving out of your house will cost you some precious bucks you could otherwise spend on bills. Stay a step ahead by packing early to take fewer days off, and deconstructing your furniture, so you require minimal help from movers.
2. Do DIY Repairs
Depending on your situation, it could be inevitable to spend money on some repairs. It’s important to get your house in quality shape before showing it to potential buyers (and strict disclosure laws can make it nearly impossible to hide pesky problems). If the issue isn’t too complicated, you can save a lot by tackling it yourself instead of paying someone else for their time.
3. Get an Agent- and Ask Them for a Discount
Unless you’re a real estate pro, it’s without a doubt easier and more efficient to sell your house with the help of an agent. And while they don’t ask for money right away, real estate agents typically charge 6% of your total sale.
When you’re talking about triple-digit numbers, that 6% stretches far- especially if you have to direct it towards another bill. But what most people don’t know is that agents’ commissions are flexible, and with a little finessing, you can negotiate the number down, saving you hundreds- if not thousands- of dollars.
4. Find A Cash Home Buyer When Dealing With Medical Bills
Last but not least, you can find a fast home offer via a cash home buyer.
Now, finding someone to pay for your home in upfront cash is great. However, we’re talking specifically about cash home buyer companies. They’re designed to buy homes as-is and in a fast time frame. For you, that means saving precious time and savings to search for a buyer on the market so you can face those looming bills instead.
In Conclusion
Now that you have the tools to navigate selling your home for cheap, you might be wondering, “how can I get a cash offer for my house?”.
At United Home Offer, we make it easy for you to sell your home without spending a dime.
We’ll provide you with a fast home offer as soon as a week at a fair market price. Contact us today for a free no-obligation offer to assess your options and finally tackle those bills.